3 Preliminary Steps To A Successful Asphalt Project

Workers compacting asphalt

Asphalt paving isn’t always necessarily reserved for the professionals. Many residences have an asphalt driveway or other surface on their property that may need to be repaired from time to time. Or, you may want to try to tackle the installation of an asphalt surface yourself to save time and money. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a professional, we at Maxwell Supply in Tulsa carry the asphalt tools and equipment you’ll need to tackle your asphalt project. Before you get started, here are a few tips for finishing the job successfully.

  • Timing

The installation of the asphalt will be significant in determining how long the surface will last and how well it holds up. That starts with your decision on when to start your project. Asphalt cures best at warmer temperatures, so it’s usually best to wait until at least late spring to get started. Ideally, you’ll enjoy temperatures of about 70-degrees Farenheit for layers 1.5-inches thick. Thicker layers can actually be laid successfully in cooler temperatures, typically of at least 40-degrees. When asphalt is laid, it’s crucial that it stays between 175-degrees and 275-degrees. When air temperature is colder, the asphalt cools too fast, which doesn’t allow it to be compacted and set properly.

  • Foundation material

Another crucial element of successful asphalt installation is your selection of foundation material. In most applications, crushed stone is your best option for the foundation. But, deciding how much depends on the type of surface you’re placing it on. If your site has sandy soil, you’ll likely need about 4-inches of crushed stone before laying your asphalt. In clay soil, however, you’ll need about twice that amount.

  • Base layer grade

The material and amount of foundation material isn’t your only concern, however. This base layer also requires a slight grade in order to allow it to do its job effectively. The job of the base layer is to allow water to runoff successfully. If water from rain or snow storms is allowed to sit and pool under your surface, it degrades the asphalt. Cracks and other issues will appear in this scenario. To prolong the lifespan of your asphalt, aim for a quarter-inch slope for your base layer. This can be achieved by adding a crest in the middle of the surface that gradually slopes to either side.

When you’re ready to start your next asphalt project, make Maxwell Supply in Tulsa your first stop. We’ll give you recommendations and supply you with the tools you need to do the job. Browse through our inventory online, or give us a call at 918-836-8606.