3 Common Issues with Asphalt Driveways

Long asphalt driveway

Many contractors will recommend concrete for your driveway because it’s regarded as a more durable material than asphalt. However, those with experience working with asphalt argue that it can be just as durable when installed correctly, and is much cheaper. This makes asphalt a better choice in some situations, particularly when there’s a large area that needs to be covered. Cracks, holes, and other issues with asphalt surfaces may be the result of improper installation, or improper use. Or, you may just be the unlucky recipient of nature’s fury. Before installing your next asphalt surface, read through these potential issues that could appear.

Pot Holes

Just like the holes that cause issues with your vehicle’s suspension on city streets, pot holes can appear on your asphalt driveway, as well. This occurs when pieces of the asphalt are removed from the surface, which leaves a void, or hole. These holes can range in size from a few inches to several feet. Typically, smaller pot holes should be patched as soon as possible to avoid them developing into larger holes. And, holes often stem from untreated cracks that have formed.

Alligator and Spider Web Cracks

Cracks in your asphalt surface are often the first sign that repairs are needed. Ignoring them allows the cracks to spread, and eventually holes to form. As the name suggests, these cracks resemble a spider web, or an alligator’s back. Thankfully, it’s not difficult to fix cracks in your asphalt surface, but it’s much easier and requires fewer materials if you get to them before they spread.

Sink Holes and Bird Baths

You may picture a giant pit that forms suddenly when you think of sink holes, but similar shifting of the earth under your asphalt driveway can create smaller versions of sink holes that ruin the surface. Many times, this is caused by a poorly constructed or installed base layer, but for older asphalt surfaces, the base may have simply washed away or eroded over time. When sink holes are only an inch or two deep, they’re referred to as bird baths, since water will collect there in a shallow pool. Asphalt usually won’t break or crack when a sink hole forms, but instead form a depression. If left untreated, eventually a pot hole will usually occur.

If you need to repair your asphalt surface, come see us at Maxwell Supply of Tulsa. We carry a variety of products that will help you patch and repair asphalt, and be sure to ask us about Aquaphalt, the permanent, environmentally friendly asphalt patch recently featured in our latest product showcase.